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How hard I was when I thought of this. He told me he got her undressed and to bed and that night I had a lovely wank re running the pictures of lovely Sue wetting herself and me licking it all off her stockings and panties.a week or so later my friend Ray brought Sue to ours for dinner. Sue worn a tight knee length skirt and a nice patterned blouse. She worn light coloured stockings or tights I couldn’t tell. She sat opposite me after the meal on our large settee . Her figure looked lovely in the tight skirt and I could catch a glimpse of thighs occasionally but nothing else. Nevertheless I was soon thinking again of her pee gushing down those legs and my penis was growing nicely against my leg, if only she knew what affect her accident had on me when Ray detailed it, would she be embarrassed that I knew? What if she knew that I had been so aroused by it that I had to make myself come. Would she like that. She got up to go to the toilet before she left that evening . I gave her a. " She smiled a wicked smile over hershoulder as I walked to the fridge and poured us each a glass of wine.Dinner was always amazing and as she cleaned up I moved to the front roomand flicked on the TV. Emma shimmied into the front room and sat on thecouch beside me and held me tight, wow how I love this woman. Emma and Imet nearly a year ago at a club in town and hit it off pretty muchstraight away despite her being 20 to my 30 years old but we didn't care,the relationship grew and grew until I asked her to move in with me, shejumped at the opportunity and she has been here ever since. Emma doesn'twork, my income more than covers what we need so she stays home, cleanshouse and is the perfect woman for me. She always dresses to impress andI don't think I have ever seen her dressed down, always in a pretty dressor skirt which shows off her curves and stockings and high heels, onceshe realised I had a thing for them she is never out of them. Even whenwe just go out for a walk she is.
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